Identifying a Good Transcriber

· education, Transcription Services

Audio transcription has been around in the markets ever since the first computers were launched. These transcriptions help a large number of people with a number of things. From business conference calls to getting books on tape, audio transcription is used in a number of fields. In order to find a good transcriber, you need to make sure that the professional is good at the following aspects:

  1. He should be internet savvy: Being internet savvy would simply help him utilize all his resources properly that come in handy when converting audio to text. Certain tools allow you to add certain effects with maximum ease and these tools can be found all over the internet.
  2. Proper Listening: A good transcriber would be a good listener. Make sure that the transcriber can understand a number of local accents. Voice recordings during meetings and conferences can be pretty tough to understand. Hence the transcriber needs to make sure that he is good at listening, picks up various accents and is very attentive throughout the conference, which might spread even for a few hours.
  3. Typing Pace: Listening and typing simultaneously is not a task that is easy to accomplish. One needs to have a lot of practice to do that. Make sure that the professionals you hire are good at this.

A mélange of these three points would give you a decent transcriber. You can begin your search on the internet and end by giving a few sample projects to the selected professionals.

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